This is my archive..

Immortal Beloved

The identity of the ‘Immortal Beloved’, to whom Beethoven wrote an unaddressed love letter in 1812, remains a mystery to this day - or almost.

Bach’s St John Passion

Drama and suffering lie at the heart of Bach’s concentrated depiction of Christ’s arrest, rendition and execution, the St John Passion.

Beethoven’s Mass in C major

Beethoven’s humble, beautiful contemplation of the divine and his great concert aria Ah! Perfido.


A symphonic struggle on Brahms’s own lyrical, melancholy-tinged terms and the delicate nobility of his Double Concerto.

Tamsin Waley-Cohen

Mendelssohn’s vivid musical postcard from Scotland opens a concert featuring ‘fearless’ virtuoso Tamsin Waley-Cohen in Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1.