Become a Member

Friends and Patrons
Become a member of the close-knit Oxford Philharmonic family by supporting the Orchestra and its activities. Despite being able to welcome full audiences back to our venues, the devastating impact of the pandemic in 2020 continues to stifle the performing arts and we rely more than ever on the generosity of our members and regular donors to support our work.
The future of the Oxford Philharmonic is in your hands. With your help, we can continue to share our passion, bringing exceptional music and awe-inspiring performances to you, your friends and family, and to the entire Oxfordshire community. Our Friends and Patrons are the backbone of the Oxford Phil and can enjoy a range of benefits in recognition of their support.
Please see below for our full range of membership options and to join, or contact us to discuss your membership here:
Telephone: 01865 987 222
Email: [email protected]
Our membership programmes
Regular news and updates
Invitation to member events (additional cost)
Interval hospitality at Sheldonian performances (1 person)
4 days priority booking (1 ticket per concert)
Click here to pay monthly
Friend Plus
Regular news and updates
Invitation to member events (additional cost)
Interval hospitality at Sheldonian performances (2 people)
4 days priority booking (2 tickets per concert)
Click here to pay monthly
Silver Patron
Regular news and updates
Invitation to member events (additional cost)
Interval hospitality at Sheldonian performances (2 people)
7 days priority booking (2 tickets per concert)
Recognition in print and on website
Exclusive private events and Patrons’ Trips in Oxford, London and elsewhere (additional cost)
Click here to pay monthly
Gold Patron
Regular news and updates
Invitation to member events (additional cost)
Interval hospitality at Sheldonian performances (2 people)
7 days priority booking (2 tickets per concert)
Recognition in print and on website
Exclusive private events and Patrons’ Trips in Oxford, London and elsewhere (additional cost)
Waiting list priority for sold out concerts
Meet the artists post-concert (where possible)
Named support of a musician’s chair for one concert
Click here to pay monthly
Platinum Patron
Regular news and updates
Invitation to member events (additional cost)
Interval hospitality at Sheldonian performances (2 people)
7 days priority booking (2 tickets per concert)
Recognition in print and on website
Exclusive private events and Patrons’ Trips in Oxford, London and elsewhere (additional cost)
Waiting list priority for sold out concerts
Meet the artists post-concert (where possible)
Named support of a musician’s chair for one concert
Exclusive webinar with the Music Director to launch the season
Complimentary programmes
Reserved chairs for Sheldonian concerts
Click here to pay monthly
All memberships last for 12 months.
Aeonian Circle Members
Prof. Paul Davies & Dr Saphié Ashtiany
Maggie Copus
Hellios Information Ltd
Anita Higham OBE
David & Elizabeth Ure
John & Hilary Bach
Angela Beatson Wood
Mary Beattie
Dr Karen & Dr Eric Caines
Jane Campbell
Katherine Carpenter
Brian & Jean Carroll
Emma Chamberlain OBE
Leo Tong Chen
Prof. David Coleman
Peter Coleman
Dr Robert F Coles
Charles & Gisella Cooper
Dame Kay Davies
N Dimsdale
Joseph & Lou Docker
Svetlana Egorova
Blair & Kathy Eldridge
John Faux
Christopher & Marian French
David & Elizabeth French
Frank & Alice Gargent
David Golding
Annette Gower
Dr Ailsa Granne
Wal & Christine Gray
Raymond Hartman
Jeff & Pauline Hewitt
Valerie Hill
Dr Sally Hope
Chris & Nicola Hornby
Keith & Antoinette Jackson
Prof. Richard Jenkyns
Anthony Kedros
Sir David & Lady Keene
Prof. Martin Kemp
Sir Anthony & Lady Kenny
Kaye & David Lillycrop
Alexander Lingas
Jenny Loehnis
Eric & Clare Lowry
Michael Lynes
Roger Michel
J C Miller
Amanda & David Milne KC
Joy Morning
John & Margaret Orme
Richard Otten
Dominic Parr
Neil Pearson
Sir Nick & Lady Pearson
Mark & Jill Pellew
Dr David Pick
Derek & Muriel Pilkington
Prof. Sir Andrew Pollard
John & Poppy Pool
Tom & Hilde Purves
Michael Rouse CBE
Sander Schakelaar
Ben & Emma Seymour
Alan Smith
William Smith
Gregory & Susan Spence
Mark Sterling
Angela Wade
Michael & Christine Warburton
Richard Warley
Dr Trudy Watt
Sam & Suzanne Webber
Liz Willmott
Robert Barclay Woods CBE
We are also grateful for the support of our donors who prefer to remain anonymous.