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02 Nov 2024 | 19:30 | Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street

Schumann Fantasy Pieces for clarinet and piano, Op. 73
Delius Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano
Milhaud Suite for clarinet, violin and piano, Op. 157b
Ciesla Balinese Moods for solo clarinet
Piazzolla Le Grand Tango for violin and piano
Bartók Contrasts for clarinet, violin and piano

Adrian Adlam violin
Laura Ruiz Ferreres clarinet
Thomas Hell piano

Associate Concertmaster of the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra, Adrian Adlam, joins the orchestra’s Solo Clarinet Laura Ruiz Ferreres and pianist Thomas Hell for a programme of chamber music taking in the serene, the exotic, the groovy and the pugnacious. Both Delius and Schumann appear to search for peace and seclusion in their works for violin and clarinet while Piazzolla turns up the heat in the most grandiose of his tangos. Alexis Ciesla explores the sound of Asian music in his Balinese Moods while all three instruments are united for Bartók’s folk dances in disguise and Milhaud’s sassy reimagining of music originally written for the 1936 film Voyageur sans bagages. The performance of Delius's Sonata No. 2 is supported by The Delius Trust.


02 Nov 2024

Tickets: £30
(Students £5)
Duration: 120 min
Venue: Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street
Saturday 2nd November, 2024 – 19:30
(Students £5)

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Maxim Vengerov

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