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Christoph Eschenbach conducts Bach and Mendelssohn

Christoph Eschenbach conducts Bach and Mendelssohn

Christoph Eschenbach conducts Bach and Mendelssohn

20 Mar 2025 | 19:30 | Sheldonian Theatre, Broad Street

Mendelssohn Overture to Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op. 21
Bach Violin Concerto No. 2 in E major, BWV 1042
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 in A major, Op. 90, ‘Italian’

Christoph Eschenbach conductor
Thomas Zehetmair violin

Two things inspired Mendelssohn more than anything else: travel and literature. This concert under Christoph Eschenbach celebrates both, opening with all the magic and mystery of the composer’s overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the play by Shakespeare for which he wrote extensive incidental music, and concluding with the boundless exhilaration and joy of his Italian Symphony, which overflows with the composer’s unique brand of perfected spontaneity. Between them comes the Violin Concerto in E minor from Mendelssohn’s other great love: Bach.

Christoph Eschenbach conducts Bach and Mendelssohn

20 Mar 2025

Tickets: £20, £32, £42, £60
(Students from £5)
Duration: 120 min
Venue: Sheldonian Theatre, Broad Street
Thursday 20th March, 2025 – 19:30
From £20
(Students from £5)

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