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Berlioz and Brahms

18 Jan 2024 | 19:30 | Sheldonian Theatre, Broad Street

Berlioz Overture to Béatrice et Bénédict
Berlioz Les nuits d’été, Op. 7
Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 73*

Sophie Bevan soprano
Ryan Wigglesworth conductor

The Orchestra fills the Sheldonian Theatre with Brahms’s irresistible second symphony – a beauteous, undulating orchestral journey through shadows towards light. Before it, Ryan Wigglesworth and Sophie Bevan delve into the extraordinary musical imagination of Hector Berlioz courtesy of the thrilling overture to his Shakespearean opera and his delectable songs on the theme of love passionate, unrequited and lost.

* Please note this change in programme.

The Sheldonian Theatre is a unique space to experience live music. To see an interactive map of the theatre click here.

Berlioz and Brahms

18 Jan 2024

Tickets: £15, £28, £38, £48
(Students from £5)
Duration: 120 min
Venue: Sheldonian Theatre, Broad Street