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InClassica: Carpe Diem!

InClassica: Carpe Diem!

13 Feb 2024 | 20:00 | Dubai Opera, UAE

Mozart Overture to The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492
Alexey Shor Carpe Diem
Dvořák  Symphony No. 8 in G major, Op. 88

Marc Bouchkov violin
Luxas Macias conductor

The Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra and Spanish conductor Lucas Macías will be teaming up with Belgian violinist Marc Bouchkov, the First prize winner of the Montreal International Violin Competition, silver medallist of the Tchaikovsky International Violin Competition and recipient of the London Music Masters Award and Kulturstiftung Dortmund music prize, who will be arriving in Dubai for a concert presented as part of the 2024 InClassica International Music Festival, organised by SAMIT Event Group. The evening opens with the famed Overture from  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s 1786 opera The Marriage of Figaro, widely considered as one of the finest examples of the genre. Next comes Composer-in-Residence Alexey Shor’s Violin Concerto No. 6, ‘Carpe Diem’, a rich and expressive work full of lush melodies and sublime orchestration. As its name implies, the work is an optimistic and lively piece expounding a powerful zest for life, with a highly virtuosic finale that brings all the versatility of the violin to the fore. Finally, the orchestra will present Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 8, an uncharacteristically cheerful and optimistic work from the Czech composer that was met with immediate critical and popular acclaim upon its premiere in Prague on the 2nd February 1890, which was conducted by Dvořák himself. 

Tuesday 13th February, 2024 – 20:00

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